How Much Value Does Landscaping Add to Your Home?

Landscaping can be a great way to add value to your home. According to a study conducted by Niemiera, a horticulturist at Virginia Tech, homes with well-landscaped gardens had a price advantage of 5.5 percent to 12 and 7 percent over those without. This means that landscaping can add tens of thousands of dollars to the value of your property. Not only does landscaping increase curb appeal, but it can also give real estate properties a 15 percent increase in value, according to the same Virginia Tech study.

The perceived value of a home is affected by the size, type and design of the plants used in landscaping. One of the best things about landscaping is that it is one of the few home improvements that not only adds value immediately, but also increases in value over time. While interior decoration and design concepts tend to go out of style and mechanical systems wear out, plants grow fuller and more robust over the years. If you're looking for a way to add value to your home, landscaping is an excellent option.

Not only will it increase the value of your property, but it will also make your home look more attractive and inviting.